Neuralink has implanted its first brain chip in human

And ChatGPT violates EU protection laws again!?

Todays Business Bloopers:

  • 👁️ Google Update: AI to scan private messages.

  • 🧠 Neuralink has implanted its first brain chip in human

  • ChatGPT violates EU data protection laws (again)

  • ❤️ My favourite AI tools this week

  • 🌍 AI News Roundup

  • 🐦 That’s a wrap

Read Time: 5 min


The Bloopers: Google’s integration of their AI, Bard, into Android messaging is a great idea for user experience, but how uncomforting is it knowing that the AI can read all of your private messages?

The Details:  

  • Google introduces Bard, an AI assistant designed to enhance messaging by providing context-aware responses, creativity, and information, aiming to improve communication within Android's messaging app.

  • Bard's ability to analyze the sentiment, context, and personal relationships within private messages raises privacy issues, reminiscent of past controversies over AI and user data interactions.

  • Messages sent to Bard for processing will be stored in the cloud, accessible for training purposes, and potentially viewed by humans, albeit anonymized, which falls outside the scope of Google Messages' end-to-end encryption.

My Thoughts: While Bard’s ability to be you AI texting assistant is appealing, the thought of it analyzing private messages doesn’t feel right. To take it one step further, they are storing the messages in the cloud for training purposes for the AI model, and even if anonymized, makes this situation a whole lot worse

The Bloopers: Elon Musk just announced that Nueralink successfully implanted its advanced brain chip in a human test for the first time, saying that the patient is ‘recovering well’ from the surgery in a post on Twitter (X).

The Details:

  • The company’s initial patient trials targeted quadriplegic patients aged 22+ suffering from spinal injuries or ALS.

  • The initial application of Neuralink's technology is focused on helping people with paralysis to control devices with their thoughts, using a fully-implantable, wireless brain-computer interface.

  • Neuralink's broader vision includes facilitating human interaction with artificial intelligence via thought, though immediate efforts are targeted towards aiding individuals with specific neurological conditions.

My Thoughts: The successful implantation of Neuralink's device is a great achievement in advancing human-computer interaction. But I am still concerned about the safety implications of this chip; I mean, what if humans start getting hacked!?

The Bloopers: Italy's data protection authority suspects OpenAI of violating EU privacy rules with its AI chatbot, ChatGPT again.

The Details:

  • For months, Italy’s data protection authority (Garante) has been investigating OpenAI over its compliance with GDPR laws, temporarily suspending ChatGPT in Europe last year.

  • While Garante hasn’t confirmed what data protection laws ChatGPT has violated this time, how OpenAI processes personal data to train its models is expected to be the main issue.

  • OpenAI has been given 30 days to defend itself against the allegations, and has released a statement claiming that its “practices align with GDPR and other privacy laws.”

  • Although the consequences of the suspected breach are unknown, confirmed security breaches in the EU can attract up to €20 million in fines (or up to 4% of global annual turnover).

We believe our practices align with GDPR and other privacy laws, and we take additional steps to protect people’s data and privacy. We want our AI to learn about the world, not about private individuals. We actively work to reduce personal data in training our systems like ChatGPT, which also rejects requests for private or sensitive information about people. We plan to continue to work constructively with the Garante.



📝 Conveyor- Generate 90%+ accurate AI answers to security questionnaires in seconds (link)

💼 Job GPT- Find all jobs in one platform, perfectly matched to your skills (link)

🎨 Anima- Converting design to code, automating design systems, and enhancing prototyping (link)

☎️ Dripify - The multifunctional LinkedIn automation tool designed to help your sales team improve LinkedIn prospecting and close more deals. (link)


Shares of major AI players including Microsoft, Google, AMD and Nvidia fell sharply this week after the latest earnings reports failed to impress investors anticipating an artificial intelligence-driven boom.

  • OpenAI assembled 50 biology experts and 50 biology students to test whether GPT-4 has the potential to help users create harmful biological weapons.

  • Based on their findings, OpenAI is developing a ‘blueprint’ that will identify and mitigate risks associated with creating bioweapons, when using their technology.

  • This comes after President Biden signed an executive order last year, in an attempt to govern the use of AI and prevent it from creating chemical, biological, or nuclear risks.

E-commerce platform Shopify just launched a free AI image editor to help sellers create professional product photos without studios or pro photographers, alongside additional AI upgrades like semantic search in the company.

Not great for the face of AI that is. For those of you who did not know what happened, there was a recent robocall that impersonated Biden attempting to suppress the voters of New Hampshire—The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is proposing that all robocalls, that use AI-generated voice tech, should be made illegal.

💭 Quote of the Week 


It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.

Jeff Hawkins


Keep Embracing the Future, One Byte at a Time! 🔄

See you next week


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